The cruise was wonderful, we had a blast! A 10 day cruise is just right! We were there with 3 other couples that we know from Maryland and had 3 formal nights, one of which we missed because it was catamaran/snorkeling/rum punch day……..That was really the only day that I drank more than one cocktail or glass of wine so I was very good! We even went to a nude beach (Orient Beach) on the French side of St. Marteen. (No we didn’t go nude….) The boobies were not much worth seeing and the men wear these little coin purse pouches over their packages and then string up their butts, the problem was that they were all 70 and older and not in very good shape….They are so unbelievably rude on that side of the island (and very expensive – a hamburger and fries on the beach was 23 euro so about $35 or so, the Dutch side St. Maarten was very friendly. We went to St. Kitts, Barbados, St. Lucia, and St. Thomas also.
We were on Celebrity (which we absolutely love) cause they treat you like royalty all week long. I am very used to being called Madam now…….I told Sal I wanted to be called this when we got home and one of our friends offered up the term “mydamwife”….There were an awful lot of 80-90 year olds on this ship, we think cause it was 10 days and maybe the younger folks can’t get that many days off in a row.
It was hard not talking to everyone at home though while we were gone, one thing about a cruise, you really do leave all your thoughts and worries behind.